Living Green
"Helping you to live in a way that uses the
resources responsibly, and with justice to all."
#86 May 2018
The newsletter of the Life Style Movement

Join the Journey!
Our magazine :
We publish three editions of our magazine "Living Green" per year - about February, May & October. The annual subscription, payable on joining, is:
£20 waged, paper
or £15 unwaged, paper
or £15 electronic copy
Subscribe below for £15 if you are unwaged and want paper copies or would prefer an electronic copy.
Subscribe below for £20, if you are waged and want paper copies:
"Living Green" has covered a wide range of relevant topics, including ecology and conservation, spirituality, peace, economics and thrift, diet (e.g. vegetarian and vegan), pollution (not least, in the home) and the use of energy. Members often submit book reviews, and the "junior section" has things to do, and usually takes a peep at the natural world.
Throughout its 40 year history, members have used the magazine to inform others about the local and global work of the charities that they support.
We always welcome appropriate contributions from members and the wider circle of readers.
A copy of our editorial guidelines can be downloaded here.
FREE Lifestyle Movement Membership and magazine
If you are one of the first 20 people to contact the Membership Secretary, you may be eligible for a one year Lifestyle Movement Membership, including its three issues of Living Green.
(a) Go to the Contact page and complete the e-mail.
(b) Fill in your name, e-mail address, and the subject (‘POSSIBLE FREE MEMBERSHIP’).
(c) In the Message Space, write: “Am I one of the first 20 people who are entitled to receive a one-year free Lifestyle Movement Membership?”
(d) Choose ‘Membership information’, then click on SEND.
Good luck!